Book Review : Howazzatt!?

Title : Howazzatt!?

Author : Sandeep Bhadange

Qotd : current reads!?

I have just finished reading howazzatt!? By Sandeep Bhadange. It’s a sports/science fiction book and it is a gripping story. The narration is unique and artistic. I loved how the author has combined two genres in a single book. The book is all about cricket. This book was a bit lengthy for me but sci-fi lovers will enjoy it and may finish it in s shorter time.

The protagonist as the captain of Indian Cricket Team is in the dilemma of uncertainties but his path comes to light though the guidance and insights given by the monk who has well out sense of narration within the framework of past, present and future, the book has done justice to the sentiments in every sense.

I loved the story of the book, although the first half of the book was a little descriptive but second part is quite interesting.

I recommend to all sports/sci-fi lovers.

I will give it 🌟🌟🌟/5

Book Review : And Thus She Changed

Title : And Thus She Changed

Author : Ruchika Yadav

And thus she changed is a story about a young lady, Nina-smart, modern, classy, extrovert, ambitious and gorgeous, at the peak of her career. This is a story which relates to every women, wife, working women, mother and the various roles women play in your life. She has perfect and diligent attitude which made her earn awards in her career, slowly pushing her towards bigger responsibilities. It will remind you of the power,a women gets when she goes through experiences only SHE can understand. With a positive attitude, and a lot of perseverance, she looks forward to more successes, while balancing a life of contentment with her beloved husband and her adorable infant son. Nina’s world comes crumbling down but she makes a decision to not let the obstacles in her professional world and her personal world stop her from getting ahead.

She struggles to hold on to all that she is accustomed to, and familiar with, but soon realises, Much to her chagrin, that perhaps that is not to be. This book is precisely about Nina’s journey and how every individual affects her life.

Overall it was a good read.

I will give it 🌟🌟🌟/5

Book Review : The Battle of Panchavati and other short stories from Indian Scriptures

Title : The Battle of Panchavati and other stories from Indian Scriptures

Author : Divya Narain Upadhyaya

This book is a collection of short stories from the great epic β€œThe Mahabharata”, β€œThe Ramayana” and several other Indian religious texts and mythologies.

The title of the book is astounding and perfect for the content of the book which consist of the chapter with the name The Battle of Panchavati.

The book tells us 7 beautiful stories from the Indian Scriptures

1. The Cosmic Dance – its the story of mahadev and sati viyog

2. The Eighth Son – Its the story off Krishna’s birth

3. The Battle of Panchavati – The story of the place where Lakshman cuts Raavan’s sister, Surpanakha nose

4. The Killing of Keechak – The story of Agayatvash from Mahabharata

5. Gangadhar – The story of Ganda avataran to earth in Mahadev hair.

6. The Curse of Draupadi – it’s a short story from Mahabharata

7. Gautam – The story of Mahatma Budh

Although, I have read most of the stories before, but I must say each story is so interesting and so well-written, I was just flipping pages, what’s next.

I especially loved the story of The Cosmic Dance where the author has described about the shaktipeeth that are present in India and how they are formed.

So, grab the copy and experience these stories and do tell me if you like it or not. Trust me you’ll love this masterpiece.

I will give it 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5

Why I read??

Qotd : which is one of your most favourite book, you would always recommend?

Why I read???

This is not a usual post on what I write about always, rather it is my thoughts that I put on paper few days back and now i gained the confidence to share it with you

It’s really an amazing journey to come this far while reading and going through many adventures, wondering how exciting these books are. Everyone around me asks how I read so many books with such a good pace. I feel it just needs your interest and the will to read about any topic. I personally love mythological fiction, so most of the times, I pick books of this genre.

Many a times, people ask me β€œwhy I read?”

At such moments, I’m just speechless and I’m unable to answer them. But today, I thought to answer these questions and encourage people to read more and more books. And when someone asks me this question again, I’ll just point out to this post.πŸ˜ƒ

So, when I read, The real world is turned off and I enter the imaginary world filled with lots of adventures, the strong and interactive characters, learning new things, the language everything is so fascinating about books. I feel very peaceful and happy after reading such great novels written by the talented authors.

Writing reviews or one must say what I loved about the particular book, is what I enjoy the most.

One of my favourite book is β€œThe Palace of Illusions” written by Chitra Divakaruni which I always recommend.

I have shared my experience of reading, I would love to know what you feel about it and what is your experience.

For now, Happy Reading!



Today I decided to talk about the most hush-hush topic, we all must be familiar with.

How many of you have heard superstitious things about periods?

Some of them which i heard are- women not being allowed to enter temples, not to enter kitchen, on religious occasions women with periods are kept away from all the rituals.

Do you believe in such things? How many of you have experienced the same? Share some of the things which you think really need to be changed about periods.

Firstly, nothing is β€œimpure” about periods. I know there are mixed feelings about this but this is what I want to teach my girl (I don’t have any yet🀭but if I have any in future). Periods are a monthly occurrence, so we should talk about it openly and take it as a normal.

In Indian culture, girls are not allowed to go to the temples or pooja (religious ceremony) or even touch any deity at home while on their periods. Ironically, some of the gods that we pray to are the embodiment of women power. I know it’s the same in many cultures.

I believe in God, but I understand that God is everywhere. I understand that God made us all and he made us just the way he intended. So, there is nothing like β€œimpure”, just the thoughts must be pure. Why do we feel shame of something that is an essential part of a women’s life?

I firmly believe that talking openly about periods in our homes and explaining children at the right age about periods and letting them know that it is just a normal process all women go through will help eliminate the unnecessary stigma around this natural cycle.

Period shaming has its roots in the myths and beliefs that we used to preach. But now it’s time to shut down these statements and talk about it just like any other normal function of the body.

I hope the next generation helps us shed the shame of our menstruating bodies. And to do so, we must talk about it openly. I mean if you don’t get them you came from someone who did.

Book Review : HiranyaKashyap ( The Narasimha Trilogy)

Title : Hiranya Kashyap- The Narasimha Trilogy(book 2 )

Author : Kevinmissal

This is a very gripping story. Although I decided not to reveal the whole story but I must give you a glimpse of what this book is all about.

A vengeful Hiranyakashyap seeks to destroy Indra’s kingdom, but he’s haunted by his aik Prahlad’s decision to oppose him. Narasimha is on a quest to find Prahlad but, on his way, he comes across an old friend and an ancient poison that threatens to derail his plans. A furious Holika hunts for her nephew, only to discover painful details about his childhood that make her rethink her actions.

Kevin Missal is well known for his previous mythology masterpiece. I’m fond of reading books on mythology genre and I have earlier read Kalki and I’m in love with the way the author has penned down his thoughts and written such an engaging books.

I appreciate the author for coming up with such a great stories. I’m still astonished by the thought that how different the real story is than what we’ve heard. The author has portrayed the characters so well and the entire plot is so gripping, I was curious to know more what happens next.

The plot is so interesting, I never felt drowsy while reading. Sometimes I do feel drowsy while reading, if it it dosent interest me😜. Anyway, I’m always up for reading mythology.

I highly recommend this beaut.

I will give it 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5

Book Review : Karna’s Wife

Title : Karna’s Wife- The Outcasts Queen
Author : Kavitakane

I must tell you, this book was on my #TBR from long back, and ever since I’ve read #MenakasChoice, I had decided, I’ll read each book from this author, because they are simply amazing. She focuses on the women characters from the stories of Mahabharata, and other epics, which I’ve never heard of.

Her books focus on the women’s life, their struggles and portrays whole story through their view.

When we watched Mahabharata, we have never seen the roles Uruvi, Karna’s Wife played. This is the most fascinating thing about Kavita Kane’s books. When i read this book, I felt each and every feeling and emotions Uruvi must have went through.

When I first read Menaka’s Choice, I fell in love with Menaka and now it’s Uruvi. I’m even looking forward to read all of her books, yes, and that day will come soon.

The story begins with Uruvi, daughter of King Pukeya, had a dream about Karna since the first time she saw him at the archery tournament in Hastinapur. And from that day she fell in love with him.

One day, Uruvi’s mother, Queen Shubra decides to have a Swayamvara for her daughter. But Uruvi wanted to marry Karna. Being a kshatriya girl, she can’t marry a sutaputra, yet she desires to be his wife.

Uruvi is shown as a strong women who stands for herself in every circumstances. The father-daughter relationship is described so well, I related it to my relations with my dad.

Reading Kavita kane’s books, I feel very connected to the characters and get more involved in the book.
The end was really unexpected and emotional.

I recommend to all mythology readers.
I will give it 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5

I would love to know your thoughts on this book. Have you read it?

Book Review : Silent Screams

Title : Silent Screams
Author : Zachary Ryan

It is very clear from the cover that the book is all about story of school friends. It is the story about how one mistake changed the course of lives of some school friends. It about their friendship and how one incident impacted on their lives and their friendship. Once, they were all best friends and later they become enemies of each other.
The whole story is filled with mysteries which will hold you on and keep you turning the pages till the end. There are many twists in the story which makes it an engaging and interesting read. The narration and pace is simple but the book is a lengthy read.
I would recommend to those who love mysteries.
I would give it 🌟🌟🌟🌟/5

Book Review : Swipe Left

Title : Swipe Left
Author : Himanshu Goel

Qotd : one of your most favourite book, you would like to recommend

Swipe left is a short story, giving you chills while you read. This was really a great experience of reading this epic story, which I thought must be a romantic story but is added with lots of thrills. The end was unexpected and i was totally hooked till the end of the book.
The cover is really attractive but it dosent go with the content of the book. The title gave me a thought that the book must be filled with romance but it ended very differently and it was unpredictable. The story begins with a simple girl, Naina, who’s trying to get her breakup with her boyfriend Karan after a relationship of almost two years. Dating apps are on the move along the youngsters these days but do these apps really show you the real face of a person? Naina was least interested in such things but her friends forced her to install an app named, Mategram, where she found a match- named Ranveer. All was going well until Naina stepped into Ranveer’s house and a dirty secret was revealed. Read this epic to find what happens next.
A must read romance thriller.
I would give it 🌟🌟🌟🌟/5

Book Review : Slices of life

Title : Slices of Life

Author : Richa Gupta

Qotd : Do you enjoy reading short stories? What are your views about the short reads

I love reading short stories as they are short and you get to learn many things from them. This is my another short read written by Richa Gupta. It is a collection of short stories written from 2019 to 2020 which explores various aspects of life. It consist of various genres ranging from sci-fi to pathos. One story which inspired me from the book is β€œDusk” which talks about how migrant workers suffered due to this lockdown.

This book is a collection of 12 short stories, which explores different aspects of human life and living. It’s a diversified and vivid collection of short stories which is not only easy to read but also very comforting, it’s vibrant at times and goes black and white expressing pain or guilt. The best thing about the book is, it’s not repetitive like other stories, each story is different from the previous one.

The language is lucid and it’s an amazing read.

The language is lucid and it’s an amazing read.

I would give it 🌟🌟🌟🌟/5

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